
We are projecting COVID-19 in Germany since Mid March 2020. Results may be obtained from our Corona-Dashboard.


We created Dashboards and Reports with assessments of the current state of COVID-19 in Germany. As of 2022 our Activities are reduced in this regard and we focus on new tasks.

Some Products

  • Simulation der COVID-19 Impfkampagne This dashboard is written in Angular and has a R backend vor Data Wrangling and Input creation. It provides a topical overview of the next weeks regarding COVID-19 Vaccination in Germany, Methods are here.
  • Zi-Frühindikatoren This dashboard is written in R and based on flexdashboard (only javascript) and hosted on github pages. See it in action.
  • Corona-Impfindex This dashboard is written in plain HTML and based on plots made with [datawrapper]( it is hosted on github pages. See it in action. It’s pupose is to show advancements in the german vaccination campain and to feature the contribution of outpatient care.

